Camp Ataya: Underworld
Project: Digital Representation techniques for Landscape Design
Year: 7th Semester
Camp Ataya: Underworld is a work of a full semester, in which I was lectured on understanding the concept of Virtual Landscapes and methods to use landscape design as a tool to create experiences in the example of World of Warcraft.
During the development process, the game map of "Camp Ataya" was analyzed with landscape architectural methods. Then the design concept, spatial integration, storyline, character production and modelling of the virtual landscape was made accordingly.
Camp Ataya is a map inside World of Warcraft universe, which we reverse engineered to begin with.
It is a calm and relaxed environment, but becomes monotonous due to its repetitive mission structure and bland experience it offers.
The design concept was generated according to the lacking experiences of the current game map.
The references from the real and virtual world was collected that influenced the assets of underworld.
Underground landscapes has its own adapted fauna and flora. Bioluminescent life is one way for life to flourish underground.
Pandora from Avatar (2009) illustrated this virtual landscape the best.
Glowing Worms from New Zealand based cave is a real world example.
Spatial planning is integrated with the intended experience of the Underworld.
The existing topographical structure of Camp Ataya was used to influence the Underworld planning. Underworld Cities are placed where there are lakes on Camp Ataya. The leakage of groundwater nurtures the underground bioluminescent plants, thus creates a natural light source for people of Underworld to inhabit.
The Lair of Dragon is placed inside the mountain in Camp Ataya.